About the Journal

The scientific journal "Economic Synergy" was founded in 2021 and is published by the decision of the Academic Council of the International Scientific and Technical University named after Academician Yuri Bugay in accordance with the annual plan of publications.

The editorial board of the scientific journal "Economic Synergy" includes leading Ukrainian and foreign experts.

The purpose of the scientific journal "Economic Synergy" is to create a place for discussion, where you can integrate new scientific views on current issues of economics and public administration to achieve the effect of economic synergy.

The scientific journal "Economic Synergy" publishes the results of scientific research on the problematic issues of modern economy and public administration in the context of globalization and European integration; attention is paid to finding ways to implement innovative ideas and practical experience in optimizing economic processes and reforming public administration in order to build a modern, digital and service-oriented state; focuses on drivers and catalysts for progressive business development, including the use of digital marketing in a digital transformation.

The scientific journal "Economic Synergy" covers current issues economics and enterprise management, innovation and investment activities, modern management and marketing, effective public administration.


051 – Economics;

073 – Management;

075 – Marketing;

076 – Entrepreneurship and trade;

281 – Public management and administration.

We invite everyone to cooperate with the scientific journal "Economic Synergy" and invite you to publish your articles.

The scientific journal “Economic Synergy” is an entity in the field of print media.
Media identifier: R30-05804